After posting my previous video on Zettelkasten, together with tons of positive feedback, I also received some very valid constructive criticism, mainly regarding things that should be added or rectified. This video aims to address just that.
What’s a Zettelkasten, Anyway?
I talk about Zettelkasten a lot in my blog, but always indirectly. “Here’s the best tool for it,” or “Here’s how you can maintain one in the long term.”
But what’s a Zettelkasten, anyway? In this video, I answer exactly that question, and briefly tell you how you can have one too.
First Look at Obsidian – A Promising Zettelkasten App
You know it’s a good day when new Zettelkasten software comes out. And today is a tremendous day, since Obsidian just came out of the blue with a spectacular app to manage our Zettels.
This time I thought I’d try something a little different: here’s a first impressions video from me instead of the usual wall of text.
Shortcut for Creating Zettels on iPad and iPhone (iA Writer)
Use an iPad or iPhone for your Zettelkasten? Want to make your workflow a bit quicker? I hear you. I made a shortcut that allows you to quickly create Zettels on iPad and iPhone which works in a similar way as the one in my post “Knowledge Management with Zettelkasten and iA Writer.” But please first read the following.
Some Thoughts on How to Keep a Zettelkasten
In this post I will go through some of the thoughts I have about keeping and organizing knowledge in my Zettelkasten.
The Archive Custom Theme: iA Writer
The Archive is an outstanding piece of software for personal knowledge management, especially of the kind I spoke about in my last post. Among its strengths1 is its custom theme engine, allowing users who are willing to tweak a few .json files to create new color schemes from scratch. Since I love iA Writer‘s design, I thought: why not make The Archive look like Writer? So that’s what I did, and you can download the results.
To download the themes, right-click on the themes you want below and save the files in a place you’ll remember. Then, open The Archive’s preferences and go to the Theme tab. Click on “Open Theme Manager” then “Open Theme Directory.” Move the files you downloaded there.
I tried to stick as closely as possible to Writer’s color palette, in both its light and dark mode. I highly recommend using one the same fonts Writer uses, which they graciously release for free to the public.
- 1.0: Initial release
- Dark 1.1: Fixed the unfocused background selection color. Huge thanks to reader Sebastian for the heads-up!
Knowledge Management with Zettelkasten and iA Writer
In this post I will talk about my personal knowledge management system, how it developed into a Zettelkasten, what Zettelkasten is, and why I think iA Writer is pretty much perfect for it.