
First Look at Obsidian – A Promising Zettelkasten App - I take a look at Obsidian, a new Zettelkasten-management app.
trms links #4 - Link bonanza, fourth episode.
State of the Apps – 2020 - December. A great time to take stock of what one’s been doing during the past year.
trms links #3 - Link bonanza, third episode.
Some Thoughts on How to Keep a Zettelkasten - In this post I will go over some of the ways I think about organizing knowledge in the personal knowledge system called the Zettelkasten.
Track your Intermittent Fasting with Zero - In this post I take a look at Zero, an app to track intermittent fasting.
trms links #2 - Here’s some more cool stuff from the Internet.
A Gentle Introduction to LaTeX - Are you a complete LaTeX beginner? This post will arm you with the very basic knowledge you need to get started.
trms links #1 - A collection of interesting things I find around the Internet.
You Need a Quarterly Review - In this post I will tell you why you need a quarterly review and what one is.
A Beginner’s Guide to RSS - In this post I will tell you what RSS is, why you need it, and how to set it up.
Check Your Mac’s Battery Health with coconutBattery - It’s one of those small, lightweight utility apps you keep installed on your Mac and go back to from time to time. It’s simple, it does only a few things, but does them well.
The Archive Custom Theme: iA Writer - The Archive, now available in black and white.
Knowledge Management with Zettelkasten and iA Writer - In this post I will talk about my personal knowledge management system, how it developed into a Zettelkasten, and why I think iA Writer is pretty much perfect for it.
Learning Regular Expressions - I love regular expressions.
Workflow: for Note-Taking and Studying for Exams - In this post I will share with you the workflow I’ve been using for years to take lecture notes and study for upcoming examinations.
State of the Apps – 2019 - That time of the year’s come again, where I go over the apps I’ve used throughout the last twelve months.
State of the Apps – 2018 - Here’s state of the apps! this is a list of software I actively use to this day, together with a brief explanation on the how and why I use it.
→ A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Anki, or How I Learned 900 Words in Two Months - Originally published on an old blog, “The Language Duo.” The information in the post is still valid today. Related posts The Archive Custom Theme: iA Writer Check Your Mac’s Battery Health with coconutBattery Track your Intermittent Fasting with Zero