→ Why I’m Making No Internet a Habit-So for the past two weeks I've been talking about getting off the Internet a day a week. I thought, why not make a video talking about it too? So here it is.
Live Intentionally: The Results-Last week, I resolved to stay a day without Internet, and I said I’d let you know how it went. Well, I did as promised, and here are the results. On how I did it technically, I just disabled Wi-Fi on all of my devices. When it comes to my phone, I disabled all apps ... Read more
Live Intentionally-If I had one thing to tell myself right now, that would be it. Live intentionally.
On Game Emulation-Sure, it’s not the real thing. The feeling of placing the CD and turning the console on can’t be replicated by emulators. But it’s pretty darn close.
Knowing is Nothing-Throughout the months I spent writing for trms, I realized one thing: I know a lot, but that knowing hasn't helped.
Toki Pona: The 120-Word Language-There's a language out there which distills life to 120 words. You can learn it in a weekend, and it's actually good fun.
The Quiet Tech Toolkit-In this post I’ll give you a couple of tricks and links to tools which, hopefully, will make your stay on the Internet just that little bit healthier and quieter.
Habits Need to Fit into Muscle Memory-We sit down to think about it and no, we should not open the fridge door 20 times a day. Then the time comes, and we find ourselves doing it anyway. Why? My guess is that it has something to do with memory.
Marketing for Technical Founders-Welcome to the other side. This will be a brief overview, I’ll just show the basic principles in a way that makes sense.
Wise People Have Fun-I may be wrong, but I think I have a general idea of what kind of person you are. If you're anything like me, you are always on the lookout for ways to improve yourself.
The Tool Trap-Craftsmen all do something different, yet there’s one thing bringing all of them together. The one thing we can all agree on. We want more tools.
The Curse of Preparation-There are two kinds of people. One doesn’t start doing something unless they think they are fully prepared. Others just start doing stuff, then figure it out along the way.
Stuck in Generalist Hell-They say you should write about the question that’s burning in your mind. So here’s mine: is there a generalist hell? And am I stuck in it?
Key Takeaways from “Hell Yeah or No” by Derek Sivers-Derek's books, for me, are an auto-recommend. They're the opposite of most non-fiction you can find today: small but packed super tight with ideas and insights.
Treat Your Habits Like Meetings-The biggest problem with habits is that it’s hard to stick to them. How do we trick our brain into helping us? I have a method.